
Cutting of Milkwoods

The rules and regulations pertaining to the cutting of Milkwood trees and protected forests are stringent and controlled by the Department of Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF).

They are also covered under the Overstrand Municipality's regulations regarding municipal plot clearing, as follows:

Milkwood Trees and other Protected/Endangered Plant Species

Sideroxylon inerme (White Milkwood) are protected trees and may only be removed, cut or controlled in accordance to the determination of the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. In urban areas Milkwoods may be trimmed by a maximum of 25% without obtaining a permit. Topping of tree crowns and of trees growing in a natural forest ecosystem is excluded from this exemption. 

Destruction of protected trees or natural forest or any other protected/endangered plant species without a permit obtained from the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and/or Cape Nature, is a criminal offence.

If you have any pruning to be done, please contact Mr Jakes Jacobs, our caretaker, who will advise you and obtain a permit from DAFF, if necessary.